Become part of the horizont community!
Immerse yourself in the world of horizont and become a fan on Facebook, Instagram and Co.!
Learn more about our company, get product related hints and meet our team.
We will keep you posted about latest news and upcoming events regularly.
Last but not least there will be online raffles where you have the chance to win some nice gifts.

Facebook: Be part of horizont!
Learn about all aspects of our company, get tips on our products and stay up to date on the latest events and news on Facebook.
► To our group facebook channel
► To our Traffic Safety facebook channel
► To our Animal Care facebook channel

Instagram: Follow us!
Follow us on Instagram for some great insights on our company.
You will find powerful pictures and interesting facts on our group.
► To our group Instagram channel
► To our Traffic Safety Instagram channel
► To our Animal Care Instagram channel

YouTube: Get to know the world of horizont!
On YouTube you will find how-to clips showcasing our products as well as the opportunity to get a glimpse behind the scenes of our company.
► To our Animal Care Youtube channel
► To our Traffic Safety Youtube channel

LinkedIn: horizont networked internationally!
On LinkedIn you will find the latest vacancies at horizont as well as up-to-date corporation news.
Become a part of our international network and make a lot of interesting contacts!
How-to videos
Our how-to videos show you step by step how to set up and operate our products and highlight what you should consider.
Traide fairs
Again, horizont will be present at numerous trade fairs in the years ahead. We will keep you posted on the latest trade fairs in our newsroom as well as on Facebook.
Whenever we plan a new event - such as a new Nightwork or an Open Day - you will be the first to know on our social media channels.
Social projects
As a traditional company, horizont is aware of its social responsibility and is involved in numerous social projects in the region. horizont also supports charity campaigns across national borders, e.g. voluntary fire brigades, refugee aid or other charitable associations.
Our customers report directly to you on the use of our products and give you useful tips on handling.
Product presentations
Discover our latest product innovations, tips on their application and trends in mobile traffic control technology.