horizont Group consists of a network of companies, each a specialist in its respective business field.
There are currently over 500 employees within the horizont group. At our headquarters in Korbach, our horizont family consists of about 250 employees.
Among them we continuously train more than 30 apprentices in various professions.
To get an idea of our company and the corporate structures, we interviewed three of our employees of the Korbach site:
Maximilian Simon
Industrial engineering at the site of Korbach
I started my apprenticeship at horizont 9 years ago. After I graduated, I was employed and in the years following I was given the opportunity to qualify as a training supervisor for mechatronics and was also promoted to the position of team leader for our operating technology department. In general, the employees and the working atmosphere do come first in our company. Horizont has a very good understanding of the strengths and interests of each employee and encourages them individually, so that everyone can have a very good career - that's what I like most about horizont as an employer.
Perie Gobrecht
Vertrieb & Qualitätsmangement am Standort Korbach
Neben meinen Hauptaufgaben bin ich zusätzlich im Reklamationsmanagement, sowie im Verbesserungs- und Vorschlagswesen tätig. Hier binde ich alle Mitarbeiter in Ideenfindungen und Entscheidungsprozesse mit ein – jeder Mitarbeiter hat die Chance, seine Meinungen und Vorschläge mit einzubringen. Hinter horizont steht ein sehr kollegiales und starkes Team, das in sich gefestigt ist – wie eine große Familie.